Commission Application

Learn about the various City Commissions
Please complete all * required
There are no Committees or Commissions open for application.
The following commissions are accepting applications

Committees and Commissions Accepting Application

* Select boards you would like to apply for? You may select up to 5.

First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Primary Phone *
Secondary Phone
Email *
Address Number Address
Occupation *

Please list any local service clubs or other organizations in which you participate.
What areas of city government are of most interest to you?.
If yes, please list.
Please Agree with the Following Statement All information and documents submitted to the City of Meridian in the application process will become public records. Public records may be posted for viewing by the public prior to or during a public meeting, retained as part of the record of a meeting, and/or made available to the public upon request, as required by law.

Please Agree with the Following Statement I understand the following: Members of these groups serve on a voluntary basis and receive no financial compensation. Participation requires a significant time commitment which varies by commission. Some groups have a limited number of members; in these instances a vacancy must exist in order for a new applicant to be considered. After all applications have been received and reviewed, the Mayor makes an appointment which must be confirmed by the Meridian City Council.


* Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? You may also submit a letter of interest. If you are submitting a letter of interest, write N/A in the text box.
(Maximum 800 characters. Please attach letter if more than 800 characters.) word count:
Letter of Interest  

* Resume  

Date of Birth
Expected Graduation Date.