Public Records Request
General Records Page
Request Page

Welcome to the Public Record request Page.

The City Clerk is the City of Meridian’s custodian of records and is designated to receive public records requests on behalf of the City of Meridian. The Deputy City Clerk is an alternate custodian for this purpose in the event of the City Clerk’s absence. Both the City Clerk and the Deputy City Clerk may be reached by phone at 208-888-4433 or by email at Please complete the form below to submit your Public Record Request. Required fields are noted with an asterisk *.
Please consider combining requests for similar records so that we can respond in a timely manner.

* Name:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Email:
* Phone:

Please provide detailed information about the record you are requesting.
* Request:

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All requests for records submitted to the City of Meridian will receive an initial response within three business days. If your request requires more than three business days to process, you will receive a notification email.

Most records requests are fulfilled free of charge. However, payment is required if it is anticipated that your request will result in the printing of more than 100 pages of documents or take more than two hours of staff time to process. If payment is needed, you will receive a notice that includes an estimate of the cost to process your records request. The City of Meridian requires payment of this estimate amount before work can begin on your request. Additional payment may be required if the cost of processing your request proves to be in excess of the original estimate.

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