Public Hearing Notices


2025 Meeting Schedule


These notices are a courtesy and are not official until they are published in the newspaper of record.
Hearing Dates are subject to change. Official notices are published in The Idaho Press at least ten days prior to the date of Public Hearing.

Meeting TypeHearing DateProject DescriptionLinkFile Link
City Council03/04/2025Meridian Foodbank H-2024-0065: Rezone of 1.72 acres of land from the I-L zoning district to the O-T zoning district to bring the existing food bank into conformance for future expansions, located at 133 W. Broadway Ave. Applicant: Meridian Food BankApplication Materials
City Council03/04/2025Newkirk East H-2024-0043: Preliminary Plat for 95 single family lots on 10.08 acres of land zoned Traditional Neighborhood Residential (TN-R) and a Development Agreement Modification to revise the concept plan to remove the 216 multi-family units and replace with 95 single-family attached homes, located at in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 10, Township 3N, Range 1W, parcel: S1210346850 Applicant: Laren Bailey, Conger GroupApplication Materials
Planning and Zoning03/06/2025Latitude Forty Three Subdivision H-2024-0059: [Applicant Request Continuance] Annexation of 17.27 acres of land with R-8 (13.78 acres), R-15 (2.42 acres) and C-N (1.07 acres) zoning districts and a Preliminary Plat to re-subdivide Lots 7, 21 and 22, Magic View Subdivision, Amended into 81 residential lots, 1 commercial lot and 12 common/other lots on 15.97 acres of land in the R-8, R-15 and C-N zoning districts with some Private Streets located at 675, 715 and 955 S. Wells St. Applicant: Rodney Evans + Partners, LLC.Application Materials
Planning and Zoning03/06/2025Pollard North Subdivision H-2024-0037: Modified Development Agreement to the existing Development Agreement (Inst. #2019-060655) for a new agreement for the residential portion of the development with an updated development plan, a Rezone of 14.90 acres of land from the R-8 to the R-15 zoning district, and a Preliminary Plat for 157 building lots and 32 common lots on 19.76 acres of land in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts, generally located approximately 1/4 mile north of W.Chinden Blvd. at the north end of N. Levi Ave. on the north side of W. Waverton Dr. Applicant: Brighton CorporationApplication Materials
City Council03/11/2025965 E. Ustick Rd. H-2024-0063: Annexation of 1.11 acres of land with an L-O zoning district with a request for City Council approval of a reduced buffter to residential uses from 20 ft. to 8 ft. 10 inches, located at 965 E. Ustick Rd. Applicant: Mussell Construction, Inc.Application Materials
City Council03/11/2025Soldier Place Subdivision SHP-2024-0002: Short Plat to subdivide an existing parcel consisting of 0.472 acres of land, into four (4) lots (3 building lots and 1 common lot) in the R-15 zoning district, located at 1323 2 1/2 Street Applicant: Kent Brown Planning ServicesApplication Materials
Planning and Zoning03/20/2025Apex Cadence H-2025-0061 : Modified Development Agreement to the existing development agreement (Inst. #2020-178120) to replace it with a new agreement for the subject property and to include specific design requirements, a Rezone of 56.11 acres of land from the R-8 to the R-15 zoning district, a Preliminary Plat consisting of 228 single-family residential building lots, 41 common lots and 16 other lots on 51.5 acres of land in the proposed R-15 district with private streets in a gated portion of the development, a Planned Unit Development with a request for deviations to certain street side and rear yard building setback and to allow more that 100 dwelling units in a gated community with an Alternative Compliance to UDC 11-3F-4A to allow common drives access from a Private Street and allow a Private Street connection to an arterial street, located at 6575 S. Locust Grove Rd. Applicant: Brighton CorporationApplication Materials
Planning and Zoning03/20/2025Core & Main H-2024-0066: CPAM (Comprehensive Plan Amendment) to change the future land use designation on approximately five (5) acres of land from the Low-Density Employment to Mixed-Employment and an Annexation of five (5) acres of land from RUT in Ada County to the Light Industrial (I-L) zoning district. located at 299 S. Black Cat Rd. Applicant: K2 ConstructionApplication Materials
City Council03/25/2025Baldcypress Multi-Family H-2025-0003: Vacation of a portion of the existing City water easement generally located on the northern portion of the property adjacent to W. Baldcypress St., located at 3570 N. Eagle Rd. Applicant: Kimley-Horn and AssociatesApplication Materials
City Council03/25/2025Graycliff Estates No. 5 (Lot 12, Blk 9) H-2025-0005: Vacation to vacate a five (5) foot portion of the permanent easement for public utilities, pressure irrigation and lot drainage encumbering the subject lot (Lot 12, Block 9) of the Graycliff Estates Subdivision No. 5; located at 4445 S. Tandycroft Ave. Applicant: KB HomesApplication Materials
Planning and Zoning06/05/2025Jackson's Food Stores Ten Mile and Overland H-2024-0054: Annexation of 5.24 acres of land with a C-C zoning district, a Preliminary Plat consisting of two (2) building lots on 4.88 acres of land in the C-C zoning district and a Conditional Use Permit to extend the business hours of operation in the C-C zoning district (when abutting a residential use and district) from 6:00am to 11:00pm to 12:00am seven (7) days a week for the convenience store and 24 hours per day, seven (7) days a week, for the fuel facility, located at 2275 S. Ten Mile Rd. Applicant: KM Engineering. Continued from February 6, 2025.Application Materials