Meeting Type | Hearing Date | Project Description | Link | File Link |
City Council | 03/04/2025 | Meridian Foodbank H-2024-0065: Rezone of 1.72 acres of land from the I-L zoning district to the O-T zoning district to bring the existing food bank into conformance for future expansions, located at 133 W. Broadway Ave. Applicant: Meridian Food Bank | Application Materials |
City Council | 03/04/2025 | Newkirk East H-2024-0043: Preliminary Plat for 95 single family lots on 10.08 acres of land zoned Traditional Neighborhood Residential (TN-R) and a Development Agreement Modification to revise the concept plan to remove the 216 multi-family units and replace with 95 single-family attached homes, located at in the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 10, Township 3N, Range 1W, parcel: S1210346850 Applicant: Laren Bailey, Conger Group | Application Materials |
Planning and Zoning | 03/06/2025 | Latitude Forty Three Subdivision H-2024-0059: [Applicant Request Continuance] Annexation of 17.27 acres of land with R-8 (13.78 acres), R-15 (2.42 acres) and C-N (1.07 acres) zoning districts and a Preliminary Plat to re-subdivide Lots 7, 21 and 22, Magic View Subdivision, Amended into 81 residential lots, 1 commercial lot and 12 common/other lots on 15.97 acres of land in the R-8, R-15 and C-N zoning districts with some Private Streets located at 675, 715 and 955 S. Wells St. Applicant: Rodney Evans + Partners, LLC. | Application Materials |
Planning and Zoning | 03/06/2025 | Pollard North Subdivision H-2024-0037: Modified Development Agreement to the existing Development Agreement (Inst. #2019-060655) for a new agreement for the residential portion of the development with an updated development plan, a Rezone of 14.90 acres of land from the R-8 to the R-15 zoning district, and a Preliminary Plat for 157 building lots and 32 common lots on 19.76 acres of land in the R-8 and R-15 zoning districts, generally located approximately 1/4 mile north of W.Chinden Blvd. at the north end of N. Levi Ave. on the north side of W. Waverton Dr. Applicant: Brighton Corporation | Application Materials |
City Council | 03/11/2025 | 965 E. Ustick Rd. H-2024-0063: Annexation of 1.11 acres of land with an L-O zoning district with a request for City Council approval of a reduced buffter to residential uses from 20 ft. to 8 ft. 10 inches, located at 965 E. Ustick Rd. Applicant: Mussell Construction, Inc. | Application Materials |
City Council | 03/11/2025 | Soldier Place Subdivision SHP-2024-0002: Short Plat to subdivide an existing parcel consisting of 0.472 acres of land, into four (4) lots (3 building lots and 1 common lot) in the R-15 zoning district, located at 1323 2 1/2 Street Applicant: Kent Brown Planning Services | Application Materials |
Planning and Zoning | 03/20/2025 | Apex Cadence H-2025-0061 : Modified Development Agreement to the existing development agreement (Inst. #2020-178120) to replace it with a new agreement for the subject property and to include specific design requirements, a Rezone of 56.11 acres of land from the R-8 to the R-15 zoning district, a Preliminary Plat consisting of 228 single-family residential building lots, 41 common lots and 16 other lots on 51.5 acres of land in the proposed R-15 district with private streets in a gated portion of the development, a Planned Unit Development with a request for deviations to certain street side and rear yard building setback and to allow more that 100 dwelling units in a gated community with an Alternative Compliance to UDC 11-3F-4A to allow common drives access from a Private Street and allow a Private Street connection to an arterial street, located at 6575 S. Locust Grove Rd. Applicant: Brighton Corporation | Application Materials |
Planning and Zoning | 03/20/2025 | Core & Main H-2024-0066: CPAM (Comprehensive Plan Amendment) to change the future land use designation on approximately five (5) acres of land from the Low-Density Employment to Mixed-Employment and an Annexation of five (5) acres of land from RUT in Ada County to the Light Industrial (I-L) zoning district. located at 299 S. Black Cat Rd. Applicant: K2 Construction | Application Materials |
City Council | 03/25/2025 | Baldcypress Multi-Family H-2025-0003: Vacation of a portion of the existing City water easement generally located on the northern portion of the property adjacent to W. Baldcypress St., located at 3570 N. Eagle Rd. Applicant: Kimley-Horn and Associates | Application Materials |
City Council | 03/25/2025 | Graycliff Estates No. 5 (Lot 12, Blk 9) H-2025-0005: Vacation to vacate a five (5) foot portion of the permanent easement for public utilities, pressure irrigation and lot drainage encumbering the subject lot (Lot 12, Block 9) of the Graycliff Estates Subdivision No. 5; located at 4445 S. Tandycroft Ave. Applicant: KB Homes | Application Materials |
Planning and Zoning | 06/05/2025 | Jackson's Food Stores Ten Mile and Overland H-2024-0054: Annexation of 5.24 acres of land with a C-C zoning district, a Preliminary Plat consisting of two (2) building lots on 4.88 acres of land in the C-C zoning district and a Conditional Use Permit to extend the business hours of operation in the C-C zoning district (when abutting a residential use and district) from 6:00am to 11:00pm to 12:00am seven (7) days a week for the convenience store and 24 hours per day, seven (7) days a week, for the fuel facility, located at 2275 S. Ten Mile Rd. Applicant: KM Engineering. Continued from February 6, 2025. | Application Materials |